Our commitment to the environment
Centro Sub Portorotondo has always been committed to the protection and preservation of the marine and coastal environment
For years we have been participating in international projects such as:
PADI Project Aware
Clean Sea Life
Medfever by MedSharks
European Sharks (LIFE Project)
The points of greatest concentration are the cleaning of the seabed and oceans from waste and scientific dissemination and training of all sea lovers
If everyone does their part, all together we are a squadron!

Clean Sea Life

Clean Sea Life, from 2016 to 2021, involved sea lovers in an extraordinary campaign to clean up the coasts and seabeds of Italy. Thousands of people, clubs and tour operators have joined and changed the face of the sea. Keeping it clean is our responsibility!
Clean Sea Life has been recognized as best LIFE project in the Environment category, and also won the audience award!
The project raised public awareness of the amount of litter in the sea and on beaches, showed how we are responsible for it and promoted active and ongoing commitment to the environment


MedSkarks is an association dedicated to the study and conservation of the Mediterranean environment, and in particular of Mediterranean sharks (…and beyond).
In 2021 the MedFever project was born, in which we also actively participate, which thanks to the help of a network of divers aims to monitor the impact of the climate crisis on our seas and to provide research support in order to better understand the phenomena of coastal dynamics extremely important for all local ecosystems.
For further information and updates, visit the site or the page Facebook!


The LIFE project European Sharks engages citizens and marine professionals in a joint effort to safeguard Mediterranean sharks and rays – by far the most endangered group of marine fish in Europe - threatened by unsustainable levels of accidental captures, pollution and habitat destruction.
LIFE European Sharks will run from October 2023 to September 2027.
LIFE European Sharks (LIFE22-GOV-IT-LIFE EU SHARKS 101114031) is co-funded by the European Union through the LIFE programme. It is coordinated by Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn with partners in Croatia (University of Split), France (Cap Corse and Agriate Marine Natural Park) and Italy (Aquarium of Livorno, Centro di Competenza Distrettuale, D.R.E.AM, the Italian Coast Guard, MedSharks, Shoreline and University of Florence).
For further information and updates, visit the site or the page Facebook!